Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Nailed It.

Ever have one of those ideas that kinda just takes off in your head?  I do all the time, but it usually ends up in the crapper because I google that idea and find that I'm the 313, 856th person to think of that idea.  That's how it usually ends up.  Not today, folks.

Not that this idea is original, but I think it's pretty darn cool.  So what was this idea, you ask?  

Have you ever seen something on Pinterest and you're like, "I can do that!". So you repin, read the tutorial or blog post with instructions, get all the stuff to make it and then are terribly let down by your creation?  I have and it sucks.  I'm what you might call an above average crafter.  I have skills and supplies and imagination. Mostly things turn out pretty great, sometimes they're good enough to hang on a wall and sometimes it stays in a bag in the corner of my sewing and craft room.

I'm getting to the idea....really, I am.

My friend Sarah told me about this pin about cupcakes that made her crack up.  So, of course I had to go look and it was freaking hilarious.  The picture says it all.

Cool huh?  I can imagine that this chick was making these cupcakes for her son's 1st or 2nd birthday and this is what she had to present to her guests with 10 minutes to spare.  Sucks, right?

As moms and crafter's galore, we don't have much time to sit around doing crafts, especially have time to do a trial run to make sure it will turn out just like Pinterest.  In our minds it's going to go perfect and look just like the picture on Pinterest.  After all, that's the goal right?  It has to look EXACTLY like the picture on Pinterest.  Enter, the idea. We will take a pin, do and review.  We will tell you if it's pretty easy or not worth your time.  Or, perhaps it's totally worth your time, but it's gonna take a little practice and you should be sober while making it.  Maybe it's easier using a nail instead hot glue.  Brilliant!  So I called my BFF Sarah and told her about my idea and of course she loved it.  She agreed that there's no real way to know before hand if the craft or project or major undertaking is going to bomb.

What's even better is that you can submit your own review of a pin that you've done!  Maybe you set your kitchen afire, perhaps you accidentally spray painted your car.  Whatever it is, we would love to hear about it.

Before I end this post, I have to give some major props to my BFF, Sarah.  She totally took this idea on as her own, made the logo, started up this blog and everything.  We're doing this venture as a team.  You get the best of both worlds, folks.  While we are similar in many ways, we are totally different crafters and have similar but different interests.  She gets to review, me too and sometimes you'll get us both.  I hope we can help save a marriage, a home or perhaps your sanity. After all, isn't that what crafting is all about?

Happy Pinning,

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